
Home Education Curriculum

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Easylii Team

June 12, 2024

Max 7min read

June 12, 2024

Max 7min read

High-Quality Family Time

Choosing the right home education curriculum and resources are essential for creating an effective learning environment that aligns with your child's needs and interests as well as your family lifestyle. With the vast array of options available, it can be overwhelming to make the right choice. However, when you thoughtfully consider a few fundamental factors, you can equip yourself with the knowledge needed to choose and implement the right learning materials for your family.

Tips for Choosing Homeschooling Curriculum

1. Learning Style Compatibility

Look for a curriculum that aligns with your child's learning style. Does it provide visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning opportunities? Consider whether it incorporates hands-on activities, multimedia resources, or interactive elements that cater to your child's preferred learning style.

2. Flexibility and Adaptability

Homeschooling allows for flexibility, so choose a curriculum that allows you to adapt and modify the content to meet your child's unique needs. Look for a curriculum that provides a solid foundation but also allows room for customization and exploration. The learning experience becomes much more personal and applicable when you can explore topics more in-depth through unit studies, field trips, and community classes and events.

3. Reviews and Recommendations

Seek recommendations from other homeschooling families, online homeschooling communities, and educational experts. Read reviews and testimonials about home education curriculum to gain insights into the curriculum's effectiveness, ease of use, and overall satisfaction. Take in reviews from a few different sources so that you understand the big picture of how the learning materials work for different families. There’s not a single curriculum out there that every homeschooler will love, so try to understand how a review or testimonials relates to your curriculum needs and home life.

Cost and Accessibility

Consider your budget and the availability of resources. Some curricula are more expensive than others, so evaluate the value for money. Additionally, assess the accessibility of resources, especially if you have limited access to physical materials or need digital resources for online learning.

By carefully selecting the right curriculum and resources, you can ensure that your teaching efforts are engaging, aligned with your child's learning style, and provide a solid foundation for their educational journey. Whether your curriculum comes from one source or many sources, it’s ideal to still put some thought into how the lessons and other learning content fit with your learning environment.

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Customizing Home Education Curriculum

Most curriculum, learning resources, and other teaching materials will generally have a lesson plan or teacher guide to help you administer the material to your children. This is very useful and certainly worth the time to review and comprehend, but you and your learners will likely benefit from a bit of customizing of the content to make it a better fit for your family.  

Structure Your Lessons

Breaking down lessons, and customizing the educational experience is helpful to prevent overwhelm and ensure effective learning. It’s great to have a curriculum that lays the foundation and provides most of the teaching guidance, but the biggest benefit of home education is that you can customize the material and instill a love of learning through adapting the material to fit the learner!

Here are some strategies to help you customize your lessons:

  • Chunking Content: Divide your lessons into smaller, digestible chunks. Breaking down complex concepts into smaller units makes them more manageable and easier to understand. For example, if teaching a history lesson on World War II, divide it into subtopics such as causes, major events, and the aftermath and research some supporting books, videos, and mini-courses that make the topic more relatable for your child.
  • Sequencing Lessons: Arrange your lessons in a logical sequence that builds upon previous knowledge. Start with foundational concepts and gradually progress to more complex topics. Ensure that each lesson connects with previous lessons, creating a cohesive and continuous learning experience. This will likely be already done to some extent in the design of the curriculum, but put some thought into how your child will understand the information and what ways you can customize the learning experience.
  • Integrating Cross-Curricular Connections: Look for opportunities to integrate different subjects within a lesson. This helps your child make connections between different areas of knowledge and provides a more holistic learning experience. For example, when studying a historical event, incorporate literature, art, and geography to create a multidisciplinary approach. Learn more below on how to apply this concept.

When you customize curriculum, you not only make the subject more interesting for your child, but also provide a more engaging teaching experience for yourself.

Incorporating Hands-On Activities and Projects

Hands-on activities and projects play a crucial role in engaging your child, promoting critical thinking, and fostering a love for learning. Here are the main three methods of incorporating hands-on activities into your current curriculum:

  1. Experiments and Science Activities - Science lends itself well to hands-on learning. Incorporate experiments, demonstrations, and science projects that allow your child to explore concepts through hands-on experiences. From creating volcanoes to conducting simple chemistry experiments, hands-on science activities make learning come alive.
  2. Art and Craft Projects - Incorporate art and craft projects that relate to the subject being studied. For example, when learning about different cultures, encourage your child to create traditional crafts or artwork. This not only reinforces the lesson content but also nurtures creativity and fine motor skills.
  3. Field Trips and Outdoor Exploration - Take learning beyond the confines of your home by organizing field trips or outdoor exploration activities. Visit museums, historical sites, nature parks, or local businesses relevant to your lessons. These real-world experiences provide a tangible and memorable learning experience.

By incorporating hands-on activities into your learning time, you create an interactive and immersive environment that sparks curiosity, encourages exploration, and deepens understanding. This is one of the main aspects of parent-led education that allows the teaching to be more effective than an institutional setting—it’s simply a customization that can not be geared to each child in a large classroom as it can be for each child in a family.

Choosing curriculum and then customizing that curriculum is what makes home education an exceptionally high-quality education. You don’t have to be the one to come up with all the learning materials—we’re in a society where we are flooded with options for curriculum—but you are the one with the rewarding responsibility of providing an education that fits your child. Teaching your children may not always seem like the most rewarding aspect of your life, but be assured that your high-quality family time—living the educational life with your children—is rewarding in ways that may not be evident until well after their childhood.  

Want to share your lessons with others? Or benefit from the lessons and courses others have created? Join the Easylii community to create your customized learning centre for your family with features that simplify teaching and enhance learning.

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