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Education at Home — Why it Matters

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Easylii Team

September 26, 2024

Max 7min read

September 26, 2024

Max 7min read

While traditional classrooms are the more common choice of education for children, many families are choosing to educate their children at home. Is home education really better in the long run? Why do parents put in the time and effort to teach their children when there is a free systemized education that mostly turns out competent adults? 

The overall reason is that education at home offers a personalized learning experience based on freedom, exploration, and strong family relationships. Parents can tailor the curriculum to suit their child's unique strengths, weaknesses, and interests. This individualized approach fosters a love of learning and allows students to explore interests and linger on topics of intrigue. Most importantly, homeschooling provides a safe and supportive environment, free from peer pressure and distractions, allowing children to focus on their studies.

The Rise of Education at Home and Remote Learning

The Covid pandemic during 2020/2021 was undoubtedly a catalyst for the rise of homeschooling and remote learning. As schools worldwide closed their doors, parents had to quickly adapt to providing education at home. The sudden shift has led many families to reevaluate the traditional education system and explore alternative options, such as homeschooling.

Prior to the pandemic, homeschooling was already in a steady growth mode with consistent increase in numbers for several years. In the United States an estimated 2.5 million children were being educated at home in 2019 and Canada numbers are estimated at nearly 50,000. However, the pandemic has significantly accelerated this trend, with a surge in the number of families choosing to educate their children outside of the traditional classroom setting. This newfound interest in homeschooling has been driven by a variety of factors, including concerns over health and safety, dissatisfaction with the quality of remote learning offered by schools, and a desire for more personalized and flexible educational experiences.

Alongside the rise of homeschooling, remote learning has also become increasingly prevalent. While remote learning was initially a necessity during the pandemic, many public schools and educational institutions have continued to offer virtual learning options even as in-person instruction has resumed. This shift has been driven by the recognition of the potential benefits of remote learning, such as increased accessibility, the ability to accommodate diverse learning styles, and the opportunity for students to develop essential digital skills. As technology continues to advance, the integration of remote learning into the educational landscape is likely to continue, further blurring the lines between traditional and non-traditional educational approaches.

Advantages of Education at Home

Even with some public schools offering a school-at-home option through remote learning, the benefits of parent-led education go far beyond the advantage of learning at home. Homeschooling offers a greater range of flexibility for schedule, curriculum, learning style, teaching opportunities, and family connectedness. 

These main advantages of homeschooling are what keep parents committed to the time and effort of educating their children: 

  • Families are not bound by rigid schedules and can create a learning routine that suits their lifestyle and commitments. This allows for a robust education that not only includes academic subjects but also life skills, character development, and values.
  • Home education provides a safe and nurturing environment for children to learn and grow. Without the distractions and peer pressure often present in traditional school settings, students can focus on their studies and develop a stronger sense of self-confidence and self-discipline. 
  • Homeschooling cultivates strong parent-child bonds. Spending more time together fosters a deeper connection and allows parents to instill their values and beliefs. 
  • The nurturing environment promotes emotional and social development, helping children become well-rounded individuals. A strong parent-child relationship is just as important at age five as it is at age 15. Many parents feel that it’s even more important to be deeply involved in their child’s life when they’re in their teen years to be that dependable guide for development of emotional and social behaviour. 

Tips for Successful Education at Home

Providing a successful education at home requires an approach that addresses both the academic and the social-emotional needs of the child. Here are some key tips for parents to consider:

1. Develop a comprehensive curriculum:

Carefully research and select a curriculum that aligns with your child's learning style, interests, and educational goals. This may involve a combination of traditional textbooks, online resources, and hands-on learning activities.

2. Establish a routine:

As mentioned above, structure to your day is important for everyone involved. Whether your way is a learning list for each day or a more detailed approach with time ranges and planning for breaks and play, you can create a routine that will benefit everyone. This structure can help children develop self-discipline, time management and a sense of predictability.

3. Prioritize social interaction:

Education at home doesn’t just happen at home. Seek out opportunities for your child to interact with people of all ages, whether through homeschooling co-ops, online communities, extracurricular activities, and community events. This can help develop essential social and communication skills.

4. Look for opportunities to develop emotional growth:

Parents can achieve this by encouraging open communication, celebrating successes, and providing constructive feedback. This can be done through spontaneous actions as well as through planned lessons that you create to tailor learning time with relatable topics for each child. 

5. Promote well-being:

Ensure that your child's physical, emotional, and mental health needs are being met through regular exercise, healthy meals, and opportunities for rest and relaxation.

6.Stay flexible and adaptable:

Be willing to adjust your approach as needed, based on your child's evolving needs and interests. Education at home requires a certain degree of flexibility and responsiveness to ensure the best possible outcomes.

7.Seek support and resources:

Utilize the wealth of resources available, such as online forums, local homeschooling organizations, and educational experts, to gain insights, advice, and practical guidance.

By implementing these strategies, parents can create a nurturing and effective learning environment that empowers their children to thrive in childhood and prepare them for success in adulthood.

The Future of Education at Home

As the landscape of education continues to evolve, the role of homeschooling and remote learning is likely to become increasingly prominent. The benefits they offer, such as personalized learning, flexibility, and a supportive environment are resonating with more and more families.

Looking to the future, it is likely that the lines between traditional schooling and education at home will continue to blur, with a greater integration of technology, online resources, and personalized learning opportunities. This convergence may lead to the emergence of hybrid models that combine the best aspects of both approaches, allowing for a more tailored and comprehensive educational experience.

As the demand for education at home continues to grow, the availability and quality of resources, support systems, and educational programs designed for this purpose are also expected to expand. This could pave the way for a more robust and diverse educational options, catering to the unique needs and preferences of families across the globe.

The future of education at home holds great promise, as it empowers families to take a more active role in shaping the educational journey of children. By embracing the advantages of personalized learning, flexibility, and a nurturing environment, families can equip their children with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Education at home matters because it empowers children to reach their full potential and prepares them for a successful future.

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