Your Learning, Your Way

Personalized lessons, activities, or things you could do together whenever and wherever. You may be amazed at how talented your friends could be.

Create your Lessons

Create lesson plans that are as fun to make as they are to teach, with our quick block-building experience.

Organize your event

Plan events that spark joy, from backyard quests to online treasure hunts. Be the hero of your community!

Visual Calendar

Effortlessly plan your family's educational adventures and activities. With our Visual Calendar, scheduling is simple, smart, and never a chore. Let the fun begin!

Interactive Classroom

Our classroom makes interactive learning easy. Explore educational content that adapts to you and cheers on your progress. Let's make learning an everyday celebration!

Why Join our Beta Test?

Free Access

Get a complimentary parent account for one year, which includes up to three child accounts.

Drive Innovation

Your feedback is essential, as it drives the continuous enhancement of our product functionality and user experience.

Exclusive Features

Gain exclusive features and early access to upcoming updates, including AI-enhanced lesson planning tools.

Frequently Asked Questions

So what is Easylii?
Is Easylii free to use?
Why are we different?
Who is Easylii for?
How can I create a lesson plan